Fireworks. I thought it had to be fireworks, but I was never more wrong in my life. All of a sudden I found myself in the back of the store hiding behind the cash register counter trying to become invisible. I was scared for my life wondering why this was happening to me...I'm from a small town in Idaho taking a two week vacation after I graduated high school. These things never happen where I'm from.
During the summer of 2006, my boyfriend and I went to North and South Carolina because part of his family lives there. Overall it was a great trip and I had loads of fun, but one night my boyfriend, his two brothers Bryce and Brent and I went to the strip in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina (which is a carnival-type thing on the beach with many shops) and witnessed death.

There was no parking at the strip because it was a weekend night and extremely crowded, so we parked far away in a dark parking lot next to a couple alleys. Our walk to the strip was exciting. Laughter and yelling became louder the closer we got and the smell of fried carnival food made me hungry. I was eager to hit up the shops, so that's what we all started doing. Since it's warm outside most of the year the shops don't have any doors, the front of them are just open to the street. Pretty much all of the beach shops have the same things in them but it's still fun to look around.
The fourth beach shop we went into is where it all went down. Blaring techno trance music with the loudest base made it so I couldn't even hear my own voice. There were bright colors all around and funny looking objects. There were a lot of people in the store looking at different things minding their own business. My boyfriend and I happened to be looking at different nose piercings right by the opening of the store. All of a sudden fire works started going off. It sounded like classic black cats...almost kind of like gunshots. But wait a second, if those were just fireworks then why were flocks of people running into the store yelling "get down! get down!"? Seven gun shots turned this store into a chaotic frenzy with people crying and hyperventilating. It all became a blur from this point on.
"Brandon," is all I could say.
He took my arm and we crouched down running diagonal across the store to the back. I looked at Brandon and saw a ghostly white face with a look of terror. We ended up underneath the counter that the cash register was on frantically pushing boxes and anything else we could find in front of us to hide. There were a couple of hysterical girls that were working there behind the counter crouched down. I was far past crying, I couldn't even move. I kept imagining a man creeping behind the counter where we were sitting with a gun pointed at us, trying to get to the cash register. What's going to happen to us? What about my family? I want to live so much longer than 18 years. These thoughts were racing through my head.
"Brandon where are Bryce and Brent?" We had no idea what happened to them.
"I don't know, what should we do?" He asked me with panic in his voice.
"Shh I don't know let's just sit here." Brandon tried calling them but they didn't answer.
A good 15 minutes went by that I don't really remember, but all of a sudden a lady came back to where we were hiding and said it was safe to leave just go fast and stay to the left of the building and leave to the left.
"Brandon don't let me look if there's anyone dead or anything scary looking," I pleaded. He agreed. On our way out of the building I automatically looked over Brandon and saw a car crashed up onto the curb with a black male hanging out it all mangled looking. Yes he was definitely dead. I had just seen a dead man shot to death. I quickly looked away. I had an eerie gross feeling in my stomach. Police were just beginning to put the yellow 'crime scene' tape all around.
"Brandon!" Brent yelled from a crowd a few yards away. Thank God we found those two. They were just as shaken up as we were.
"Let's get the hell out of here," Brandon said. None of us had any idea what happened. The killer could have been anywhere. It could have been gang related or just a random shooting. We were all scared to death of walking back to our car a million miles away in a dark parking lot by some alleys. Everyone at the strip seemed to be evacuating quickly back to their cars as well, so at least we weren't alone. Every corner and alley we passed I was ready to duck down and get out of the way of gun shots. I avoided pretty much everyone because they could have been the killer.
Finally we raced to the car and speed back to the house. The car ride home was filled with four different versions of what just happened, and we couldn't wait to call and tell our family and friends. That was the most dangerous situation I've ever been in, bullets could have ricocheted off anything and hit us. We were that close.
When we got home, we turned the television on to see what had happened on the news. Sure enough, it was there. A couple different versions of what happened were broadcast, but the overall idea was similar. A police man saw a man waving a gun out of the window of his car, so he started yelling at the man and going over there. The man started shooting at the cop, so the cop instantly fired back which ended up in the man's death. I was so glad the night was over and everyone was safe and sound.
Good story I happend to be there and I couldn't of told it better. I think the flow of the story is done well and you incorporated the three writing styles. The sentence "saw a car crashed up onto the curb with a black male hanging out it all mangled looking" needs a "of" before "it." Also when I read "A police man saw a man waving a gun out of the window of his car, so he started yelling at the man and going over there." It sounds a little funny. Maybe you could put "so he started going towards the man while yelling." Also maybe you could find the news article about this story and include it in a link?
I enjoyed reading your story. The embedded picture isn't working right. Maybe you could also split certain paragraphs up so they don't seem to lengthy.
I really enjoyed reading your story, like the previous comment already stated there are a few things that could be revised to flow better but overall it was easy to understand. One thing that I would personally change would be spreading out some of your links. There were two really close together and it made me need to reread those areas.
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